Monday, May 16, 2005

And another weekend fades into the past.

I hate that SUnday afternoon feeling. The horrible nagging feeling that the weekend is over and that there is yet another long and mono tonous week stretched out ahead of us. Sunday afternoon is the furthest from the next weekend that you can possibly be.

It feels like there is a change in the air on Sunday afternoons. I've noticed it ever since I was about 12 andI was in boarding school. My School was in an inner city suburb, my parents lived on the outskirts of sydney, and every other weekend I would go home for the weekend. I would look forward to it all week. A two day respite from the hell of boarding school.

Every Sunday evening my parents would drive me back into the city, and there would always be this particular show on the radio. There was an american guy doing the top 40 countdown. Even years later when I hear his voice I feel that Sunday afternoon dread in my stomache.

I would sit in the back of the car begging time to slow down and swallow me up whole. I wonder if my parents knew the toturous hell that boarding school was, would they have still forced me to go?

I only lasted around 7 months. I was expelled towards the end of the third term!.

Sunday, May 15, 2005

And another weekend fades into the past.

I hate that SUnday afternoon feeling. The horrible nagging feeling that the weekend is over and that there is yet another long and mono tonous week stretched out ahead of us. Sunday afternoon is the furthest from the next weekend that you can possibly be.

It feels like there is a change in the air on Sunday afternoons. I've noticed it ever since I was about 12 andI was in boarding school. My School was in an inner city suburb, my parents lived on the outskirts of sydney, and every other weekend I would go home for the weekend. I would look forward to it all week. A two day respite from the hell of boarding school.

Every Sunday evening my parents would drive me back into the city, and there would always be this particular show on the radio. There was an american guy doing the top 40 countdown. Even years later when I hear his voice I feel that Sunday afternoon dread in my stomache.

I would sit in the back of the car begging time to slow down and swallow me up whole. I wonder if my parents knew the toturous hell that boarding school was, would they have still forced me to go?

I only lasted around 7 months. I was expelled towards the end of the third term!.

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Colorful Creations

Ok so work on my site has finally begun with gusto - In as much as I have begun working on the template for the site. I doubt it will be my final layout as It's pretty boring .

I'm planning on spending a few hours tomorrow in front of my computer creating a brilliant header image and some logo's etc for branding the site. I think I'd like a big image on the first page and maybe smaller images on inner pages... or do I want to have just one index page with changing content through php?

Ive been picking up a few good css tricks over at mandarin design, I love the polaroid photo layout, as well as the way to pull quotes out of the text like in a amagazine. All using css!

Truly marvelous.

Also Ive chosen the color scheme, I had a bit of help from this great new tool ive found @ . Ive taken a range of the pink colors from default group through to light pastel. Then with this group of colors Ive used them in text and as the background for 100px squares on my test page so that I can easily see how each color looks against my black background - It sure does make chosing colors easier.

I'm still stalling at deciding oin what direction to take this site. Obviously I want it to be digital related - I definately want to put up some of my psp brushes, blends, and of course other resources and some tutorials. I love building websites, SO I'd like to share stuff with people. I guess I could do tutorials for everything from creating a custom brush through to adding links and images to a website. A website to help creative minds create their own creative websites.

I Am so looking forward to the weekend.

Less interesting than paint drying

Sometimes boredom is a relief. To be bored means that I have no pressing problems or disatsres to deal with.

I am looking forward to spending 2 days laying back and relaxing. Fait enough I have some (or rather shit loads) of housework to catch up on, but the world certainly wont stop turning If I dont get the dishes washed and the floors mopped.

The one downside of having life under control and feeling a little bored, is the obvious fact that nothing is happenning that is worth writing about.

Actually its all lie, I'm not bored, I'm freaking out, I'm starting to crumble under the pressure of it all. But theres so many things that are felling apart I dont know where to start , or how to put them down on paper. (or on cyberspace as this case may be!) My issues would bore you to death anyways.

Friday, April 29, 2005

Fire Fox Rocks

Fire Fox has got to be the best thing that has ever happened to the internet. Man this opensource browser shits all over internet explorer. Created by the people behind the Mozilla suite, fire fox is a lean mean surfing machine lets you sit back and relax while you surf, rather than pull your hair out like previously popular browser's .

Not only does it mean that we arent lining up to line Bill Gates pockets..... It means better browsing. Who ever came up with the idea for tabbed browsing deserves a nobel prize.

In a society that is moving so fast we can't afford to waste one single moment, tabbed browsing is a godsend. Being able to have mulitple pages loading whilst I'm looking at the original page means that even on my poxy home computer with its ancient 56k modem I am not left waiting for pages to load.

I was just looking through the downloads section of firefox, and theres probably over 50 pages in there. Imagine having to wade through 50 pages using internet explorer - even using broadband that would take too long - with firefox I just opened each page up in its own tab and the only thing slowing me down was the speed at which I can read.

So If you havent got fire Fox already --- get your butt over there. STand up against internet explorer & microsoft - And get with the program. There is no longer ANY reason for using the outdated, ancient and insecure browser that is owned by the corporate pigs... Get back to your roots and get served by real people, who dont do it for the money , they do it because they can!

Love you fire fox!!

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Design Brilliance From within a Call Center

Working in a call centre for an international corporate giant isnt the most creative or inspiring vocation. I feel that I am an incredibly creative spirit. I crave an environment filled with color, texture, and aromas that inspire me, not a grey colored desk within a large grey colored wall in a line amongst mant other grey desks. Its is like a battery farm with computers and telephones and people instead of chikens!

During my day I get a fair amount of downtime in between calls from customers, so to overcome my boredom I figure I'll do what I love and make myself a new little pet website.

I have no idea what I'm going to do with it as yet - but its going to be creative and artsy, and it will more than likely include my exsisting Spike Files website (curently down as its between servers)

This post will eventually become part of said website.....

Arghhh to many calls to concentrate....

Ill come back to my train of thought later......

Thursday, April 21, 2005

Ok it's official I have just registered my new domain name Ive also organised the hosting through what I strongly belive is one of the best hosting companies on the globe not only are they cheap (first year is $60 = $5 a month, sunsequent years or extra accounts are only $40 a year = $3.33) And its only $5 to register your domain name through them.

One of the best things has got to be their support desk. theyre open 24/7 , they are absolutely amaxing, whatever your problem is they will help you fix it. you just submit your questions and then within around 5 minutes one of the experts answers it for you.

No matter how silly it may be - theyve helped me to set up php scripts and everything.

The hosting package includes a mysql database, unlimited email adresses heaps of other stuff too and the amazing support system. I'd never use anyone else.........

Anyway Ive gotten pretty far away from my point....

I have now got my new domain registered .. so get to spend this weekend... which by the way is a long weekend setting up my new site. I can't wait... Its like all the artistic inspiration that I have been trying to push away whilst at work because i dont have the programs for creating beautiful artwork on my work computer, is finally going to be used for creative purposes.

I feel like a little kid who's going to be given a new toy. I cant belive I can get so excited over having a website, especially as it isnt my first .. it would be about my 20th site!

Anyway heres to a good creative weekend!!!

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Hunger Vs Vending machine

I am caught in a complete conundrum.

I am incredibly hungry. Most likely the result of skipping breakfast this morning... I knew I shouldve stopped at Maccas and grabbed something plastic to eat.

I am so hungry I am debating wether or not to go and grab something out of the vending machine. Its a hard choice.. go hungry or eat some kind of processed sugar & or salt ridden product with very little nutritional value and a very high proportion of artery clogging and ass widening fat.

However my stomache has a larger deeper voice , that is harder to ignore than the voice inside my head. SO will it be chips or a mars bar.........

I told you my life was boring!!!!!!

Even the smallest of things has to start somewhere

If I'm going to get into having a blog I have to start somewhere.... heres as good as any other somewhere.

The whole point of this site and its blog is to attempt to save me from the boringly mundane monotomy of my job and to a lesser extent my life.

Like many people I have job which has nothing in common with what I enjoy. I have a passion for most things creative, I don't neccessarily have the skills to turn this passion into anything worthy of praise, but i do have a passion that is boiling rapidly and threatening to escape the pot. This lack of technical skill together with the artists curse of lack of self worth, confidence and esteem (the traits that turned me to artistic expression in the first place) leaves me working in a call centre for a corporate giant which stands for everything that i despise.

I have never wanted to be materialistic, and actually work very hard to avoid being materialistic. There are much more important things in life than simply owning objects. I have always thought of corporations as the devil, but now my exsistence os paid for with funds from one of the worlds biggest corporations. This has been causing me to re-assess and consider where i am at and where i am headed emotionally, morally, spiritually, and financially.

I was hit hard by the thought that 10 years ago I wanted to chage the world, the 16 yr old me with my strong opinions and my anti corporate angst ridden philosophy, would be completely appalled at who or rather what I have become. This is causing me to question where I am and where i want to head. I am having what I guess could be called an existential dillema.

Watch this space to watch my life unfolding - or rather unravelling as i question my life and my boring mundane job.!